Greeting card
Do you want to print a greeting card? At Print&Bind this you can order cheap and fast. With a greeting card, you wish someone a happy holiday, birthday or success. Or print a greeting card, just to let someone know that you are thinking about him or her. Much more personal than quickly sending a message via Whatsapp or Facebook. We print your cards in high quality on firm paper, for a low price. Submit your own design greeting card and we print your greeting cards in almost any size! This way you always have a unique greeting card, with which you can communicate a personal message. What are you waiting for? Order your greeting cards quickly!
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The finishing of your greeting cards
Greeting cards are often printed on A6 size, but a deviant size is also possible
Fold your card so that you can write a personal message or we can add a standardized back (see image) so you can easily send it
We only work with high-quality paper types. You can choose the paper type yourself: 300 grams Natural card or 350 grams card
We use professional printers that print your greeting cards with a resolution of 1200 dpi
Choose the 350 grams card papertype for the most firm greeting cards
New option: Nevertear paper. This paper type is weather-, tear- and waterproof, so your cards will last longer. Side note: you cannot write on Nevertear
Low-priced greeting cards
Through processing your order online, we can work quickly and efficiently. This way we keep our prices low. Submit your file as PDF or almost any other file type. Did you order a folded card? Please submit loose pages in the final size. You can easily pay online with iDEAL, Creditcard or PayPal.
Fast delivery of greeting cards
Within two business days, your greeting cards will be delivered to your home. Do you need the greeting cards sooner? Order with 'urgent' and you will receive your order in 24 hours. You can also pick them up the same day at our shop in Amsterdam West (from 16.00h) or at one of our pick-up points in Amsterdam (from 18.00h).