It can be that simple


Print&Bind is a company located in Amsterdam and provides an online printing service for individuals and businesses. The print files are managed by Print.Amsterdam BV, printed, and delivered via mail to the desired address.

  • Company Information: Name: Print.Amsterdam BV

  • Chamber of Commerce number (KvK nr.): 67045596

  • VAT number (Btw nr.): NL856807278.B01

  • Bank account number ( NL73RABO0141810025 (Rabobank) in Purmerend

  • Address:

    Kabelweg 44A

    1014BB Amsterdam

Download the terms and conditions in PDF format

  1. Client

The natural or legal person who has commissioned Print.Amsterdam BV for the production of goods or the performance of services.

  1. Information Carriers

Optical discs and all other means intended for capturing, editing, transmitting, duplicating, or making public texts, images, or other data using equipment, all in the broadest sense of the word.

  1. These terms and conditions apply to the conclusion, content, and performance of all agreements concluded between the client and Print.Amsterdam BV.

  2. General (purchasing) conditions of the client are only applicable if it has been expressly and agreed upon in writing that they will apply to the agreement between the parties, to the exclusion of these terms and conditions.

  1. The mere issuance of a price quotation, estimate, budget, pre-calculation, or similar communication, whether or not indicated with a quotation, does not obligate Print.Amsterdam BV to conclude an agreement with the client.

  2. Offers from Print.Amsterdam BV are always non-binding and can only be accepted without deviations. An offer is deemed to have been rejected if it is not accepted within one month. An offer is understood to be a proposal made to Print.Amsterdam BV to enter into an agreement, which is so determined that its acceptance immediately results in an agreement.

  1. The client is entitled to cancel an agreement before the supplier has commenced the execution of the agreement, provided that the client compensates the supplier for the damage caused thereby. This damage includes the losses incurred by the supplier, lost profits, and in any case, the costs already incurred by the supplier in preparation, including reserved production capacity, purchased materials, contracted services, and storage.

  2. Cancellation of agreements for the production of periodic publications as referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 13 is not possible.

  3. The "distance selling" law stipulates that the client has the right to a cooling-off period. However, this cooling-off period does not apply if the product is custom-made. Since Print.Amsterdam BV provides products that are unique and custom-made for the customer, the customer does not have the right to the so-called cooling-off period. If it concerns a standard product (photo frame, envelope, accessories), then it is possible to withdraw from the purchase within 14 days and return the materials. Return costs are borne by the customer. However, this procedure must be reported to the customer service of Printenbind via chat/email/contact form, see

  1. All prices quoted are exclusive of value-added tax (VAT) and other government-imposed levies.

  2. The price quoted by Print.Amsterdam BV for the performance to be provided by him applies exclusively to the performance in accordance with the agreed specifications.

  3. In composite offers, there is no obligation to deliver a part of the total performance at the price stated for this part in the offer or at a proportionate part of the price stated for the whole.

  4. If no price has been agreed between the parties, but the parties have concluded one or more agreements with an identical or nearly identical content in the year preceding the agreement, the price will be calculated based on the production methods and calculation rates used in those agreements.

  5. If, outside the application of the provision in the previous paragraph of this article, no price has been agreed between the parties, if only an estimate of a price has been provided, or if the agreed price can be changed under these general terms and conditions, the price or the change will be determined at an amount considered reasonable in the graphic industry.

  1. Print.Amsterdam BV is entitled to increase the agreed price if one or more of the following circumstances occur after the conclusion of the agreement: an increase in the costs of materials, semi-finished products, or services necessary for the execution of the agreement, an increase in shipping costs, wages, employer social security contributions, costs associated with other employment conditions, introduction of new and increases in existing government levies on raw materials, energy, or residual materials, a significant change in currency exchange rates, or, in general, circumstances comparable thereto.

  2. Extra labor-intensive text, unclear copy, unclear sketches, drawings or models, defective information carriers, defective computer software or data files, defective methods of supplying the materials or products to be supplied by the client, and all similar supplies by the client that require Print.Amsterdam BV to perform more work or incur more costs than could reasonably be expected by him at the time of entering into the agreement, constitute grounds for an increase in the agreed price. Extraordinary or unforeseeable processing difficulties arising from the nature of the materials and products to be processed are also grounds for an increase in the agreed price.

  3. Print.Amsterdam BV is entitled to increase the agreed price or to reduce it if the client makes changes to the originally agreed specifications, including author's corrections or amended instructions after receipt of working drawings, models, and typesetting, printing, or other proofs. Print.Amsterdam BV shall, within reasonable limits, cooperate with these changes, provided that the content of the performance to be provided by him does not deviate substantially from the originally agreed performance.

  1. Unless otherwise agreed, the client must pay the price and any other amounts due under the agreement within 8 days of the invoice date, without being entitled to any discount, setoff, or suspension. Payment must be made in cash upon delivery if the client is a natural person who does not act in the course of a profession or business. In the event of non-payment as described above, the client is in default without any notice of default from Print.Amsterdam BV being required.

  2. Print.Amsterdam BV is entitled, in the case of agreed delivery in installments, after delivery of the first installment, to request payment not only for this installment but also for the costs incurred for the entire delivery.

  3. The client is at all times, regardless of the agreed payment terms, obliged to provide security for the payment of amounts due to Print.Amsterdam BV under the agreement upon the first request of Print.Amsterdam BV. The security offered must be such that the claim, together with any interest and costs falling thereon, is adequately covered and that Print.Amsterdam BV can easily enforce it. Any security that becomes insufficient later must be supplemented to a sufficient level upon the first request of Print.Amsterdam BV.

  4. If the client fails to pay on time, he shall owe statutory commercial interest on the amount due from the invoice date on, or if applicable, statutory interest. Print.Amsterdam BV is entitled to charge one-twelfth of this interest for each month or part of a month in which the client fails to fulfill his payment obligation.

  5. In the event of late payment, the client shall, in addition to the amount due and the interest accrued thereon, be liable for full compensation of both extrajudicial and judicial collection costs, including the costs of lawyers, bailiffs, and collection agencies. The extrajudicial costs are set at at least 15% of the principal sum with interest, with a minimum of 100.00 euros.

  1. The client is obliged to fully cooperate in the delivery of the goods to be delivered by Print.Amsterdam BV under the agreement.

  2. Each delivery of goods by Print.Amsterdam BV to the client is made subject to retention of title until the client has fulfilled all obligations arising from any agreement, including interest and costs.

  3. If transportation of the goods to be delivered has been agreed upon, this will be at the expense of the client, unless free delivery has been agreed upon. The client always bears the risk during transportation. Transportation also includes the transmission of data via the internet, telephone network, and any similar shipment using any technical means. The acceptance of goods by the carrier from Print.Amsterdam BV serves as proof that they were in good condition, unless otherwise indicated on the bill of lading or receipt.

  4. Print.Amsterdam BV is not responsible for storing the goods to be delivered unless explicitly agreed upon. If storage takes place, it will be at the expense and risk of the client.

  1. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing that it is a final deadline, a delivery period specified by Print.Amsterdam BV is only indicative. Print.Amsterdam BV is only in default, even with an agreed final deadline, after the client has issued him with a formal notice of default.

  2. The supplier's commitment to an agreed final delivery deadline lapses if the client requests changes in the specifications of the work, unless the minor significance of the change or the minor delay does not reasonably require the supplier to change the initially planned deployment of production capacity.

  3. During the execution of the agreement by the supplier, the client is required to do everything reasonably necessary or desirable to enable timely delivery by the supplier, in particular by promptly responding to the supplier's inquiries, preventing defective supplies as referred to in paragraph 2 of article 6, and paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 15 of these terms and conditions.

  4. If the client fails to comply with the provisions of the previous clause of this article and paragraph 3 of article 7, an agreed final delivery deadline is no longer binding, and the client is in default without the need for written notice of default from Print.Amsterdam BV. In such case, Print.Amsterdam BV is entitled to suspend the performance of the agreement until the client has remedied this default. Thereafter, Print.Amsterdam BV will still carry out the agreement within a reasonable period.

  5. Print.Amsterdam BV is not liable for any form of damage resulting from non-delivery or late delivery of the product, unless the client has notified this in writing or via email in advance.

  6. The service or product must be delivered within 30 days at the latest. If this does not happen, the client can immediately cancel the order/purchase. This does not apply if the parties have agreed on a different delivery period.

  1. The client is obliged to promptly inspect whether Print.Amsterdam BV has duly fulfilled the agreement upon delivery and is further obliged to immediately notify Print.Amsterdam BV in writing as soon as it appears otherwise. The client must conduct the aforementioned inspection and provide the relevant notification within a maximum of 14 days after delivery. The client must also return the product as described in article 11.

  2. Print.Amsterdam BV is always entitled to provide a new proper performance in place of a previous improper performance unless the default is not rectifiable.

  3. The performance of the agreement shall be deemed proper between the parties if the client has failed to conduct the inspection or notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this article in a timely manner.

  4. If the 14-day period referred to in the first paragraph of this article must be considered unreasonably short, even for a careful and vigilant client according to the standards of reasonableness and fairness, this period shall be extended until the first moment when the inspection or notification to Print.Amsterdam BV is reasonably possible for the client.

  5. Print.Amsterdam BV's performance shall in any case be deemed proper between the parties if the client has taken the delivered item or part thereof into use, has processed or treated it, has delivered it to third parties, or has caused it to be taken into use, processed or treated by third parties, unless the client has complied with the provisions of the first paragraph of this article.

  1. If the client (after consultation with the contractor) wishes to return the product, this must be done within 14 days, and the client must inform Print.Amsterdam BV of this by telephone or email. This return does not entitle to complaints, see Article 4: cancellation, but is only intended for conducting investigations in case of complaints.

  2. When returning the product, the client can choose from the following options: a. The return of the product is at the expense of the client, and the delivery costs charged to the client will be refunded to the account used for payment, or: b. The return costs are covered by Print.Amsterdam BV.

  1. Deviations between the delivered work and the original design, drawing, copy, or model, respectively the typesetting, printing, or other proof, cannot be grounds for rejection, discount, termination of the agreement, or compensation if they are of minor significance.

  2. When assessing whether deviations in the overall work are considered minor or not, a representative sample from the work will be taken into account, unless it concerns individually specified items.

  3. Deviations that, considering all circumstances, reasonably have no or a negligible impact on the utility value of the work, are always deemed to be deviations of minor significance.

  4. Over or under-deliveries compared to the agreed quantity are permitted if they do not exceed the following percentages:

  • Quantity up to 20,000 units: 10%

  • Quantity of 20,000 units and more: 5%

However, for packaging prints, labels, and continuous forms, a percentage of 10% is always allowed. The excess or shortfall in quantity will be invoiced or credited accordingly.

  1. Regarding the quality and grammage of paper and cardboard, deviations of minor significance are considered to be those deviations permitted according to the tolerance standards specified in the General Delivery Conditions of the Association of Paper Wholesalers. The relevant conditions are available for inspection at Print.Amsterdam BV. Upon request, Print.Amsterdam BV will provide the client with a copy of these conditions free of charge.

  2. Deviations in other materials and semi-finished products used by Print.Amsterdam BV that are permitted according to the general sales conditions relating to the delivery of these materials and semi-finished products are considered to be deviations of minor significance. The relevant conditions are available for inspection at Print.Amsterdam BV. Upon request, Print.Amsterdam BV will provide the client with a copy of these conditions free of charge.

  1. An agreement for the production of a periodic publication shall, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, be deemed indefinite and may only be terminated by notice, observing a notice period. This notice period shall be one year if the periodic publication appears four times a year or more, and six months if the periodic publication appears less frequently.

  2. A periodic publication as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall mean a publication that appears regularly.

  3. The term "production" within the meaning of the first paragraph of this article shall also include the production of semi-finished products or aids as well as activities for finishing and distributing the publication.

  4. An agreement as referred to in this article may only be terminated by means of a registered letter or a letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

  5. Deviation from the provisions of this article shall only be possible by written agreement.

  1. The client guarantees Print.Amsterdam BV that, by fulfilling the agreement and particularly by reproducing or making public the items received from the client such as copy, typesetting, models, drawings, photographic images, data carriers, computer software, data files, etc., no infringement is made on rights that third parties may assert under the Copyright Act 1912 or other national, supranational, or international regulations concerning copyright or industrial property rights, or rights related to tort. The client indemnifies Print.Amsterdam BV both in and out of court against all claims that third parties may assert under the aforementioned laws or regulations.

  2. If reasonable doubt arises or persists regarding the accuracy of the rights claimed by third parties as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, Print.Amsterdam BV is authorized but not obliged to suspend the fulfillment of the agreement until it is irrevocably established in court that Print.Amsterdam BV does not infringe upon these rights by fulfilling the agreement. After that, Print.Amsterdam BV will execute the order within a reasonable period.

  3. Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing or unless the documents are provided by the customer themselves, Print.Amsterdam BV remains the owner of the copyright that may arise from the works produced by him in fulfilling the agreement, such as copy, typesetting, design drawings, models, work and detail drawings, data carriers, computer software, data files, photographic images, films, and similar production and auxiliary means, even if the relevant activities are listed as a separate item in the offer or on the invoice.

  4. The items to be supplied or supplied by Print.Amsterdam BV according to its design, such as copy, typesetting, design drawings, models, work and detail drawings, data carriers, computer software, data files, photographic images, films, and similar production and auxiliary means, nor any part thereof that is essential to that design, may not be reproduced without the written permission of Print.Amsterdam BV, even if there is no copyright or other legal protection for Print.Amsterdam BV regarding the design.

  5. After delivery by Print.Amsterdam BV, the client obtains the non-exclusive right to use the works produced by Print.Amsterdam BV in the context of the agreement in the sense of the Copyright Act 1912 or of works in the sense of paragraph 4 of this article. The aforementioned right of use is limited to the right of normal use of the delivered items and does not include the right to reproduce these items in the context of any production process.

  1. If the client has agreed with Print.Amsterdam BV that they will supply materials or products for printing or processing, they must ensure timely and proper delivery in a manner suitable for normal planned production. The client shall seek instructions from Print.Amsterdam BV for this purpose.

  2. In addition to the materials or products required for the agreed-upon service, the client must also provide a reasonable quantity for proofs, setup, etc. The client shall request this information from Print.Amsterdam BV. The client guarantees that Print.Amsterdam BV will receive a sufficient quantity. The acknowledgment of receipt of the materials or products by Print.Amsterdam BV does not imply acknowledgment that a sufficient quantity or the quantity stated on the transportation documents has been received.

  3. Print.Amsterdam BV is not obliged to examine the suitability of the received items from the client for printing or processing before commencing.

  4. Print.Amsterdam BV cannot be held liable for failure to fulfill the agreement if it is caused by extraordinary or reasonably unforeseeable processing difficulties arising from the nature of the materials or products provided by the client. Neither can it be held liable if discrepancies occur between the initially shown sample and the materials or products later supplied by the client for the production run.

  5. Print.Amsterdam BV does not guarantee properties such as durability, adhesion, gloss, color, lightfastness, or wear resistance if the client has not provided information about the properties and nature of the materials or products supplied by them at the time of entering into the agreement and has not provided adequate information about pre-treatments and surface treatments applied.

  6. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, Print.Amsterdam BV shall not be liable for loosening, sticking, smudging, or changes in gloss or color, nor for damage to materials and products supplied by the client for printing or processing if they have undergone a pre-treatment such as the application of varnish, lacquer, or anti-smudge powder.

  7. The client is obliged to inform Print.Amsterdam BV of any special difficulties or health risks during the printing or processing of the materials and products supplied by them.

  8. Print.Amsterdam BV is entitled to dispose of remnants such as trimmings, etc., of the materials and products supplied by the client as if they were its property. Upon request from Print.Amsterdam BV, the client is obliged to collect the unused materials and products as well as the aforementioned remnants from Print.Amsterdam BV.

  1. The use of the website that may hinder the functioning of the website and/or its use by others, and/or affect the information offered on this website or underlying software, is not permitted.

  2. If the user accesses the website from countries other than the Netherlands, the user is responsible for complying with applicable local laws and regulations.

  3. While the utmost care has been taken in compiling the content of the website, there is a possibility that certain information may not be complete, accurate, or may become outdated over time.

  4. All information, products, and services are provided without any warranty regarding their fitness for a particular purpose, completeness, or otherwise. Therefore, Print.Amsterdam BV shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of information or products or services obtained through this website.

  5. Print.Amsterdam BV and/or its subcontractors accept no liability whatsoever for any damages, whether or not Print.Amsterdam BV has warned the user of the possibility of such (potential) damages, arising in any way but not limited to viruses, defects, or other imperfections in equipment and other software in connection with access to or use of the website, the information and/or data offered through the website, the interception, alteration, or improper use of information sent to the user and/or Print.Amsterdam BV, the availability and/or operation of the website, misuse or improper use of the website, loss or distortion of data, downloading or use of images, information, and/or data from the website, and/or claims by third parties in connection with access to or use of the website.

  6. Print.Amsterdam BV warrants that the goods comply with the specifications stated in the offer, meet the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability, and do not violate existing legal provisions and/or government regulations as of the date of the conclusion of the agreement.

  7. Print.Amsterdam BV will exercise the utmost care in receiving and executing orders.

1. On our website, a number of suggestions are provided for conversion programs to create PDF files, both online and via a PDF creator tool. The use of these conversion applications is entirely at your own risk. Print.Amsterdam BV disclaims any liability for the proper functioning of these programs.

  1. Print.Amsterdam BV strives to protect the copyrights of images. It is expected that every user acts in accordance with copyright law and does not infringe upon the rights of others.

  2. Print.Amsterdam BV reserves the right to block print files containing offensive images, insulting or racist texts, or any other content that violates the law, public order, and/or morality – as determined by Print.Amsterdam BV and/or its suppliers.

  1. Failures of Print.Amsterdam BV in the fulfillment of the agreement cannot be attributed to him if they are not due to his fault, nor do they fall under his responsibility according to the law, the agreement, or prevailing norms.

  2. Failures of Print.Amsterdam BV in the fulfillment of the agreement due to war, mobilization, riots, flooding, closed navigation, other transport disruptions, stagnation, restriction, or cessation of supply by public utility companies, lack of gas, petroleum products, or other means of energy generation, fire, machinery breakdown, and other accidents, strikes, lockouts, union actions, export restrictions, other government measures, non-delivery of necessary materials and semi-finished products by third parties, intent, or gross negligence of assistants, and other similar circumstances, are considered non-attributable to Print.Amsterdam BV and do not entitle the client to dissolve the agreement or claim damages.

The client bears the risk of misunderstandings regarding the content and execution of the agreement if these arise from specifications or other communications not received, received incorrectly, not received in a timely manner, or received incompletely by Print.Amsterdam BV, whether orally or transmitted through any technical means such as telephone, internet, fax, or similar transmission media, unless such communication is made by a person designated by the client for that purpose.

  1. The liability of Print.Amsterdam BV under the agreement with the client is limited to an amount that is reasonable and fair in proportion to the agreed price.

  2. Print.Amsterdam BV is not liable for any damage of any kind that arises after the client has taken the manufactured goods into use, processed or altered them, delivered them to third parties, allowed third parties to use them, processed or altered them, or delivered them to third parties.

  3. Furthermore, Print.Amsterdam BV is not liable for damages in the form of loss of turnover or diminished goodwill in the business or profession of the client.

  4. Print.Amsterdam BV is also not liable for damages to materials or products received from the client for printing, processing, or handling, if the client has not provided Print.Amsterdam BV with accurate information about the properties and nature of these materials or products, including any pre-processing and surface treatments, at the time of entering into the agreement.

  5. If Print.Amsterdam BV is held liable by a third party for any damage for which it is not liable under the agreement with the client or these terms and conditions, the client shall indemnify Print.Amsterdam BV fully and compensate Print.Amsterdam BV for any amount it has to pay to such third party.

The agreement between Print.Amsterdam BV and the client shall be governed by Dutch law.