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Een succesvolle verkiezingscampagne?
Print overtuigd!

A successful election campaign?

The municipal elections are coming up, so it is time to start preparing a convincing campaign. Print is an important component of this. We are available 7 days a week to print your flyers, posters, and other campaign material.

3 reasons to reach your voter with print:

  1. The voter can decide themselves when they want to read your campaign message. And they will be reminded of it later, because:

  2. Print stays put! The election program can lay around on the kitchen table for a couple of days, and the voter will find the flyer again in the pockets of their coat.

  3. A message on paper gets through to people better, and they will remember it better!

Additionally, print allows you to reach the less digital-oriented voter much better. And their vote is just as important.

Flyers, folders, and posters in small or large quantities

With a stack of flyers and posters, you can already start your campaign. Print&Bind produces quickly, and we also produce small orders. It is no problem if you don't know how much print work you need: start with a small order and order more if needed. This has the added benefit of preventing waste!

Did you know that Print&Bind is open 7 days a week? Even in the evenings. Click here to check our opening hours.

Other election print work: folded flyers, postcards, or promotional material?

Do you want to provide the reader with more information on your party members or arguments? Then a folded flyer might be a better choice. Are you looking for more sympathetic print work? Then postcards or promotional materials such as coasters might be a good option.

Notable panels for your election campaign

Print&Bind also offers multiple options to make a strong impression on campaign days. Are you campaigning for your party at a fair somewhere? We can produce a large-sized panel that has your logo and campaign slogan on it. Below you can see the different options we offer.

Print your election program

You have worked hard on a thoughtful election program, so your arguments deserve to be printed. When the voter has your program in their hands, they can't ignore it. You can have your election program printed as a magazine or a small book. Another option is to print all your arguments on a large poster or a folded flyer.

Want to calculate the prices of your promotional material?