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Book week is right around the corner!

First love 

On April 9, Book Week finally begins. The book week is an annual ten-day promotion with the aim of giving the general book a stronger position in society. Each year the book week has a different theme, this year the theme is 'first love'. "A first love floods you with feelings and desires that you didn't know before, that you couldn't imagine. Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer is writing the Book Week gift, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld the essay."


Via Instagram, we are giving a budding writer the chance to win 250 euros to have his or her book printed with us. The writer has to let us know in the comments, using emojis, what his or her book is about. On April 18 the book week ends and then we will also announce the winner of the win action.

Printing at Print&Bind 

We print online and can therefore print your small or large edition books cheaply and quickly. Our fast printers and efficient finishing mean we can print and bind your book quickly and cost-effectively. Simply upload your book as a PDF or any other file type in our online ordering module. Print a cheap book at Printenbind!