
5 January 2022

A successful election campaign?

The municipal elections are coming up, so it is time to start preparing a convincing campaign. Print is an important component of this. We are available 7 days a week to print your flyers, posters, and other campaign material.

23 November 2021

Well-prepared for the delivery madness

Friday November 26th is Black Friday This week is, for parcel drivers, the kick-off for the busiest time of the year. This year, our excited team works hard to finish al the orders in time.

8 November 2021

The new Print&Bind

Your trusted online print shop is really making itself seen from now on. With our new appearance, we show who we are: young and enthusiastic.

2 November 2021

Printenbind recognized internship company for higher education

As of this month, Printenbind can call itself an official, recognized internship company for higher education. An audit has been carried out for this by the ELBHO Foundation. Each internship period, Printenbind offers various projects that students can work on. The internships can mainly be classified under the marketing and communication fields.

18 August 2018

PaperWise ecological paper

For orders on 80 grams paper (A4 size), we use paper from PaperWise. This paper has the same quality as regular paper but is made from agricultural waste. The use of agricultural waste instead of wood results in lower environmental impact, making this a more ecological choice. We find this very important, and therefore we have made this our standard paper type for 80 grams.