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Your document may contain images or objects that are partially transparent, known as transparencies. These transparencies are usually not visible in your file but may cause issues during printing if they are not processed correctly. This relates to the flattening of your file.

It will look like this:

Incorrect flattened

Correctly flattened

It is essential to flatten files with such transparencies. Here’s how you can do this:

In Illustrator

You can flatten transparencies directly by using the "Flatten Transparency" option under the Object menu.

In InDesign

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new preset via the menu Edit > Transparency Flattener Presets.

  2. Choose the "High Resolution" setting, click "New," and name your preset.

  3. Adjust the Raster/Vector Balance from 100% to 75%.

  4. Check the box for Clip Complex Regions in the lower section.

  5. Leave the other settings as they are and confirm by clicking OK.

Finally, export your design in InDesign as a PDF and choose the PDF/X-1a:2001 preset in the PDF menu. In the Advanced menu on the left, select the newly created flattener under Transparency Flattener Preset.