What is impose / imposition?

We often use impose files, these files have already been prepared before the printing starts. But why do we use imposed files?

What is the advantage of an impose?

An impose has many advantages. A few examples at a glance:

  • By using an impose we can prepare a file for printing, consider the order, crop marks, and the correct format.

  • We can also place the file for (menu) cards correctly on a page. Where the front and back are placed on the front, and the inside of the card is placed on the back.

  • With an impose we place several business cards on a large sheet of paper. This way we have the least cutting waste and we can print as economically as possible!

By using impose files we can ensure that orders can be printed in quick succession (speed), we waste less paper and ink (environmentally friendly) and we can ensure that items are printed in the same correct way (consistency).