Temporary 20% discount on all our products with the Extra Budget production method!

Print a summary

Do you have exams coming up? And have you made, or bought a summary? You can easily and quickly print your summary online at Print&Bind! Printing and binding your summary does not only offer more ease of reading, but it also looks cleaner and you are less likely to lose a page than when you have a whole bunch of loose pages.

Document ready? Order your summary now

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Printing a summary

  • Most summaries are written and printed on A4 size. This size offers the best ease of reading and readability.

  • To make printing as cheaply as possible, we recommend you print on standard (80 grams) or firm (100 grams) paper.

Binding your summary

  • Wire-O (binding with a ring binder) is very suitable for binding small documents and documents that require the possibility to lie the book down completely flat. There is no minimum amount of pages required for this binding method.

  • If you choose Wire-O binding, you can choose between multiple options for the cover: white card, black structured card, or transparent.

  • If you choose folding and stapling, the pages of your document are attached together using staples. A benefit is that you can put the book down completely flat. For this binding method, there is a minimum page count of 8 pages.

 Delivery time for your summaries

  • At Print&Bind, we can deliver your summary within two business days.

  • Do you need your summaries quicker? Place an urgent order and you will have your summary delivered within 24 hours. You can also choose to pick up your summary after 16:00h at one of our pick-up points in Amsterdam.

Alison Westwood

3 days ago

Excellent value for money, prompt delivery and good customer service

I have ordered custom playing cards and a large poster from Print&Bind and despite some problems with crop marks and bleed (it works better if you don’t include them for cards and posters) I was very happy with the quality and the price!


6 days ago

Great company that I trust

Great company that I trust. They never let me down, always helpful when I need help. Amazing service from the customer service staff.

V Sanin

2 weeks ago

Crazy good service

I was absolutely amazed by the speed, quality, and affordability these guys provide. The stickers I ordered late in the evening were ready by 4pm the next day. Despite my crude design their execution was flawless. Paid just 20 euros for 100 individually cut stickers. They’re a great bunch of people being brilliant at their jobs


3 weeks ago

A1 Poster in color printed on premium 250 gram satin (white) paper

Nice poster. Good quality in terms of material and output at a reasonable price. Two other printing shops I inquired demanded twice the price. Thanks. 594x841mm*, in color printed on premium 250 gram satin (white) paper, document check default


3 weeks ago

Great service

I used their service multiple times, always good quality and on time.

Charlotte Vey

3 months ago

100% recommend

Great service! It was easy to get some help, the product is very nice and it was delivered one day early! Couldn't ask for me


3 months ago

Good quality with fast service

Good quality with fast service. :)

Elise Duchaine

4 months ago

Very grateful

Around the 19th of February I ordered 15 books. I told them I needed it for a convention to give it to cast- and crewmembers for my favourite show - Warrior Nun - but that we needed it at the latest on the 22nd. And I remember being so stressed out. But they helped me so well, and let me order on speed delivery even though I was technically too late for it, and even better that it was at the price of normal delivery and a day earlier than it was presumed to be delivered. Everything worked out amazing, only a little part of the page was not complete, but it's not too bad, and the cast and crew are still very happy about their books. Thank you to everyone who helped us out with this! I'm really grateful and if I ever need to order books or print anything again, I will definitely order here again!

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